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War Machines suicide note: Society has killed men I was In a note reportedly written prior to a failed suicide attempt MMA fighter War Machine addresses friends and family before eventually suggesting that "society has Suicide - Wikipedia Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death Risk factors include mental disorders such as depression bipolar disorder schizophrenia personality Final Exit - Derek Humphry (Hemlock Society Founder FINAL EXIT The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying by Derek Humphry Revised 3rd edition (April 2010 printing) $17 + shipping Suicide Statistics AFSP Additional Facts About Suicide in the US The annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 1326 per 100000 individuals Men die by suicide 35x more often than women Suicide attack - Wikipedia Suicide attacks include both Suicide terrorismterrorism often defined as any action "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants SOARS - SOCIETY FOR OLD AGE RATIONAL SUICIDE The Society for Old Age Rational Suicide (SOARS) was established in the UK by Michael Irwin (a former Medical Director of the United Nations and a former Chairman MEN SUICIDE AND SOCIETY - Samaritans MEN SUICIDE AND SOCIETY Why disadvantaged men in mid-life die by suicide Research report Assisted Suicide - Information on right-to-die and assistedsuicideorg - website of Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization (ERGO) and Derek Humphry Hemlock Society founder and Final Exit author Assisted-Suicide The Durkheim Pages: Suicide (1897) - Durkheim Home Page Extra-Social Causes Durkheim suggested that a priori there are two kinds of extra-social causes sufficiently general to have an influence on the suicide rate American Association of Suicidology AAS run suicide support centers across the whole of the USA Lists emergency numbers for their centers
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