Download Harm Reduction in Substance Use and High-Risk Behaviour
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Self-harm - Wikipedia Self-harm (SH) also referred to as self-injury (SI) self-inflicted violence (SIV) nonsuicidal self injury (NSSI) or self-injurious behaviour (SIB) refers to a Self-harm and suicide in adolescents - ScienceDirect Summary Self-harm and suicide are major public health problems in adolescents with rates of self-harm being high in the teenage years and suicide being the second A toolkit for substance misuse commissioners - ntanhsuk New psychoactive substances: toolkit for commissioners 6 Tackling NPS supply and use The Home Office has published guidance that shows the options Principles of Harm Reduction - Harm Reduction Coalition Harm Reduction Coalition advances policies and programs that help people address the adverse effects of drug use including overdose HIV hepatitis C addiction and Harm reduction - Wikipedia Harm reduction (or harm minimization) is a range of public health policies designed to lessen the negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various ADAI Library: Substance Use Screening & Assessment * We use sources in the Selected by list along with other references to identify instruments receiving a "gold star" to indicate proven research validity and Harm Reduction Program - BC Centre for Disease Control Harm reduction aims to keep people safe and minimize death disease and injury from high-risk behaviour Working with People who Use Drugs: A Harm Reduction Approach Working with People Who Use Drugs: A harm reduction approach Table of contents Introduction 3 What is harm reduction? 4 Core principles of harm reduction Reducing the harm of drug use and dependence Reducing the harm of drug use and dependence Harm reduction is often made an unnecessary controversial issue as if there was a contradiction between prevention and Harm Reduction - Drug and Alcohol Office - WA Health Harm reduction strategies aim to reduce alcohol and other drug related harm to individuals and communities and are part of a comprehensive approach to both
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